Make This In An Hour

One of my friends has been saying for a couple months that he would make his website over spring break. Now it's the end of spring break and he hasn't started. His birthday is tomorrow, and I've decided to be not a good friend and give the gift of accountability by writing down step-by-step instructions to make it as simple as possible.

It really only takes an hour to make a website. I know because I timed myself doing the following and the whole process took me just under an hour to make this website. (I even did the registering a new domain and creating a new GitHub account for a good measure!) You can view the code for this website on GitHub.

Website Instructions

  1. Go to and register a domain. This is optional and only if you want a custom domain name.
  2. Make a GitHub account and download Git if you haven't already.
  3. Create a directory to hold your website and cd into it. mkdir my-site && cd my-site. All future commands will assume you are within this directory.
  4. Make a new GitHub repository for your site titled For example, my GitHub account is smilli, so my repository is named
  5. While in the directory for your website run git init and git remote add origin with username replaced by your username.
  6. Make a file called index.html in your website's folder with the HTML for your main page. Don't spend long on this; it can be as simple as the following:
  7. <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>YOUR SITE TITLE</title>
      <!-- Add some style to your site, see for details -->
      <link rel="stylesheet"
      <h1>YOUR SITE TITLE</h1>
      <p>Your text blahblahbhalbha</p>
      <p>Another paragraph!  Maybe more text!</p>
  8. Enter whatever text or html you want in the file. You can view the changes you're making locally by running python -m http.server 8000 if you're using Python 3 and python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 for Python 2. Then navigate to http://localhost:8000 in your browser.
  9. Now run the following commands:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    git push -u origin master
  10. Go to You should now see your site! Congratulations, you put something online.

Adding your Custom Domain

  1. Go to and register a domain if you don't have one yet.
  2. Create a file called CNAME in all caps in your website directory. Then add a single line that says (no http or www) to the file. For example the CNAME file for this website looks like this:
    View details on CNAME configuration here.
  3. Like before, push your changes to Github.
    git add .
    git commit -m "Add CNAME"
    git push
  4. Now login to and click on the domain you want under the list of your domains. The list of domains should look like this:

    After clicking on your domain, you should see a link that says "All Host Records" on the left sidebar underneath "Host Management". Click this. Now you should see the default records that Namecheap adds for your site.

    Modify your records to look like this (with username replaced by your username of course):

  5. After the DNS changes propagate, you will be able to see your website on your domain! Congrats :)